
Lisa DellaBella Photography is introducing special pricing for moms who have gone through in-vitro to get pregnant. If this is you, make sure you mention this when you call or email me!

About eleven years ago, I went through in-vitro twice in my attempt to get pregnant. Luckily, we were blessed with a son. (That’s his picture above with our embryos. The other picture was our son at 3 months old. While I was pregnant, we learned that he had cysts growing in his lung and that it had pushed his heart over to the opposite side. We were devastated and the rest of my pregnancy was filled with perinatologists appointments every two weeks to watch for heart failure in him. When he was finally born and breathing on his own, we felt so blessed. However, the doctors said that the cysts could grow into cancer later in life, so he had to have half of his lung removed at 3 months old. He is almost 11 now and doing just fine with the exception of dealing with asthma.)

Besides my dad passing away from lung cancer, this was the most stressful thing I had ever gone through. I know how difficult it is, not only financially, but emotionally as well. All the hormones, doctor’s visits, giving yourself shots, etc. It’s like being on a roller coaster, only a lot less fun! My heart aches for moms going through this! Sometimes like can be so unfair. There are a lot of people out there who, honestly, don’t deserve to be parents. When I see someone who truly deserves to have children, I really want to help them as much as I can.

After running into someone the other day who was on their sixth IVF attempt, I realized that I really wanted to do something to give back. So, I’m giving all IVF parents-to-be $50 off a maternity session and $100 off their newborn session, plus a special little gift from me.

Please share this with any friends who are going through In-Vitro. It would give me such pleasure to be able to help them document this special time in their lives.